Here at Fandoms we are committed to creating a fun, safe, and engaging environment and culture at our bar. We welcome nerds of all kinds and our staff are available for all of your beer, cocktail, and gaming needs. Our motto is “Whatever you enjoy, you can find a place at Fandoms! Our hours of operation are Mon – Fri 3PM – 12AM and Saturday 12PM – 2AM. We place an emphasis on local and that extends to our staff. Come on down to Fandoms to meet your neighbors that make up our staff. Check out our mission statement below!

Our staff follow the guidelines of “Hate and Discrimination have no place here at Fandoms”. Heading out to a bar for a drink should be fun. Unfortunately, the potential for drink tampering, sexual harassment, or assault has become frighteningly common. At Fandoms our staff are there to serve you, watch over our patrons, and prevent these instances from happening by taking a preventative approach. Fandoms is a place where women AND men can feel safe and welcome by our team upholding these values. It’s estimated that one out of every four women will experience sexual violence at some point during childhood or early adulthood. Numbers show that half of these crimes occur while the perpetrator is under the influence of alcohol. By training our staff in trauma-based customer service they are equipped to handle any scenario.

Creating a safe and fun environment for all of our patrons benefits everyone. When customers feel safe they are more likely to return thus creating positive experiences and repeat customers. It’s not only a way to greatly improve business but it’s also a necessity for our staff and guests. The culture of Nerds, Gamers, and Weebs has always been about creating spaces where everyone is accepted and Fandoms follows this criteria as a positive environment for all Nerds.

We provide a safe space for all while also providing the most unique drink menu in town, a plethora of board games and consoles for your amusement, and comfy seating for you to relax in. Come in and visit with our staff while enjoying a game with your friends with the knowledge that you will remain safe while having an absolutely blast!
1 Comment
I’ve been to Fandoms Three or four times siNce they’ve opened and have to admit, at first, i was CONCERNED about the area. NoT any longer! I feel Very safe and comfortable, it’s my favorite hangout and where i want to take my friends. The Bartenders and other patrons Have aLways been Nice and easy to talK to when i’ve been there.